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Onboarding Commands

The Onboarding Commands mode allows your application to manage the beginning and end the Onboarding process, as well as the capture and upload of the different documents to the API. This case is indicated for an expert level of configuration, allowing you to split the onboarding process into different stages and add other tasks related to your customer flow (e.g. a form to be filled in by the user).

You can configure and run specific actions with the class OnboardingCommands. This mode allows you to use the following commands:

  • Add selfie: Presents a Selfie Capturer and uploads the video to Alice Onboarding.
  • Get supported documents: Returns a map with information about supported documents in Alice Onboarding.
  • Create document: Creates a document (DocumentType, DocumentIssuingCountry). It returns a DocumentId.
  • Add document: Adds a document side. It requires as input a valid DocumentId, DocumentSide, DocumentType and DocumentIssuingCountry.
  • Add document NFC: Adds a document's NFC chip. It requires as input a valid and previously scanned DocumentId.
  • Add other trusted document: Adds another trusted document (e.g. proof of address, bill...) from camera or PDF file.
  • Get user status: Returns information about the User.
  • Authenticate: Presents a Selfie Capturer and verifies the identity of the enrolled user. User must be authorized to use this command.

First, you have to configure an OnboardingCommands instance:

let onboardingCommands = OnboardingCommands(self, userToken: userToken) { result in
        // It is necessary to review the result of the initialization
        switch result {
        case .success(_):
            //OnboardingCommands is ready to use
        case let .failure(error):
            //Need to retry initialization
            //Need to retry initialization


The initialization of OnboardingCommands occurs asynchronously, so it is necessary to wait for the callback and check that the loading of resources has produced a .success(), in case of receiving a .failure() it will be necessary to try another initialization.

val onboardingCommands = OnboardingCommands(this, userToken) { result ->
     // It is necessary to review the result of the initialization
         when (result) {
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
                //OnboardingCommands is ready to use
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
                //Need to retry initialization
            else -> //Need to retry initialization


The initialization of OnboardingCommands occurs asynchronously, so it is necessary to wait for the callback and check that the loading of resources has produced a .success(), in case of receiving a .failure() it will be necessary to try another initialization.

let onboardingCommands = new OnboardingCommands(userToken)

Add selfie

It presents an Alice Onboarding Selfie Capture View, sending a video directly to Alice Onboarding platform.

onboardingCommands.addSelfie { result in
    switch result {
    case .success:
        print("Added the selfie successfully to Alice Onboarding")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Error adding the selfie (\(error))")
    case .cancel:
        print("User has cancelled the command")
onboardingCommands?.addSelfie(withTutorial = true) {
    when (it) {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Cancel -> {
            showDialog("User has canceled the command")
        else -> {}
onboardingCommands.commandAddSelfie( (result) => { // onSuccess
} , (error)  => { // onError
},  (cancel) => { //onCancel

Get supported documents

It returns the Alice Onboarding supported documents (hierarchically sorted).

onboardingCommands.getDocumentsSupported { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let onboardingResponse):
        print("Supported Documents:\n \(onboardingResponse.content ?? "")")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Error getting documents supported (\(error))")
    case .cancel:
        print("User has cancelled the command")
onboardingCommands.getDocumentsSupported { result ->
    when (result) {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure  -> {
onboardingCommands.commandGetDocumentsSupported( (result) => { //onSuccess
    } , (error) => {   //onError

Create document

It creates a document given the documentType and the issuingCountry.

let documentType = DocumentType.driverlicense
let documentIssuingCountry = "ESP"

onboardingCommands.createDocument(type: documentType,
                                issuingCountry: documentIssuingCountry) { resultCreateDocument in
    switch resultCreateDocument {
    case .success(let onboardingResponse):
        let documentId = onboardingResponse.content as? String
        print("Created a document (\(documentId)) successfully on Alice Onboarding")
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Error creating the document (\(error))")
    case .cancel:
        print("User has cancelled the command")
onboardingCommands.createDocument(documentype, documentCountry) { result ->
    when (result) {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
            val documentId = result.response.content
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
let documentType = DocumentType.IDCARD
let issuingCountry = "ESP"

onboardingCommands.commandCreateDocument(DocumentType.IDCARD, issuingCountry, (result) => {  //onSuccess
} , (error) => { // onError

Add document

It presents an Alice Onboarding Document Capture View sending images to the Alice Onboarding platform. Before starting addDocument command you have to create a document_id with the createDocument command.

let documentType = DocumentType.driverlicense
let documentIssuingCountry = "ESP"
let documentSide = DocumentSide.front

    documentId: documentId!,
    type: documentType,
    issuingCountry: documentIssuingCountry,
    side: documentSide) { resultAddDocument in
        switch resultAddDocument {
        case .success:
            let message = "Added a document (\(documentType) - \(documentIssuingCountry) - \(documentSide)) successfully to Alice Onboarding"
        case .failure(let error):
            print("Error adding the document (\(error))")
        case .cancel:
            print("User has cancelled the command")
val documentType = DocumentType.IDCARD
val documentCountry = "ESP"

onboardingCommands?.createDocument(documentType, documentCountry) { resultCreateDocument ->
    when (resultCreateDocument) {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
                documentId = resultCreateDocument.response.content,
                type = documentType,
                issuingCountry = documentCountry,
                side = DocumentSide.FRONT,
            ) { resultAddDocument ->
                when (resultAddDocument) {
                    is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
                    else -> {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
        else -> {
let documentId = "document identifier given by createDocument command"
let documentType = DocumentType.IDCARD;
let side = DocumentSide.BACK;
let issuingCountry = "ESP"

onboardingCommands.commandAddDocument(documentId, documentType, side, issuingCountry, (result) => { // onSuccess
} , (error) => { // onError
},  (cancel) => { // onCancel

Add document NFC

It presents an Alice Onboarding Document NFC Capture View that reads the NFC chip locally and then sends the info to the Alice Onboarding platform. Please note that the NFC functionality requires that the document's MRZ has been previously scanned (Add document command)

self.onboardingCommands!.addDocumentNFC(documentId: documentId) { result in
    switch result {
    case .success:
        let message = "Successfully added document (\(documentId)) NFC to Alice Onboarding"
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Error adding the document (\(error))")
    case .cancel:
        print("User has cancelled the command")
val userToken = "<ADD-YOUR-USER-TOKEN-HERE>" // Obtain it from the SandboxManager or your own Backend Server
val onboardingCommands = OnboardingCommands(this, userToken)
val REQUEST_CODE_DOCUMENT_NFC = 500 // Activity identifier
val documentId = "<ADD-YOUR-DOC-ID-HERE>"

onboardingCommands.addDocumentNFC(documentId, requestCode = REQUEST_CODE_DOCUMENT_NFC) {
{ result ->
           is DocumentNFCOnboardingCommandResult.Failure ->{
        else -> {}

. . .

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_DOCUMENT_NFC) {

        when(val result: DocumentNFCOnboardingCommandResult = data!!.getParcelableExtra("documentNFCCommandResult")) {
            is DocumentNFCOnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
                showDialog("Added the document successfully to ALiCE Onboarding")
            is DocumentNFCOnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
                showDialog("Error adding the document: " + result.response)
            is DocumentNFCOnboardingCommandResult.Cancel -> {
                showDialog("User has canceled the command")
let documentId = "document identifier given by createDocument command"
let onboardingCommands = new OnboardingCommands(this.userToken)
onboardingCommands.commandAddDocumentNFC(documentId, (result) => {
} , (error) => {
},  (cancel) => {

iOS Considerations

  1. Add the following properties to your info.plist

    <string>We need access to the NFC to validate your identity</string>


  2. Add the NFC Tag Reading capability to your app from XCode.

    img1 img2

  3. Allow NFC Tag Reading to your App ID configuration from your Apple Developer Account.

    img3 img4

Add other trusted document

This functionality is an easy way to have a document that is not necessarily identification (e.g. proof of address, bill...).

There are two ways to use this feature:

  • Uploading a file: It must be a PDF file and less than 10 MB in size.
  • Capturing your document: You can add the sheets that are needed from your document. After each capture you can check if the image is correct and to finish you will press the send button that joins all the captures made and will generate a PDF.

addOtherTrustedDocument has one optional argument:

  • category: this argument is required if your flow requires multiple documents. You must use this argument to tag each document, for example if your flow requires an invoice and a payslip you could use "invoice" and "payslip" as categories.
let userToken = "<ADD-YOUR-USER-TOKEN-HERE>" // Obtain it from the SandboxManager or your own Backend Server
let onboardingCommands = OnboardingCommands(self, userToken: userToken)

{ resultAddDocumentNFC in
   switch resultAddOtherTrustedDocument {
   case .success:
     let message =
     Successfully added the other trusted document into Alice Onboarding"
   case .failure(let error):
    print("Error adding the document (\(error))")
   case .cancel:
    print("User has cancelled the command")
val userToken = "<ADD-YOUR-USER-TOKEN-HERE>" // Obtain it from the SandboxManager or your own Backend Server
val onboardingCommands = OnboardingCommands(this, userToken)
val REQUEST_CODE_OTHER_TRUSTED_DOCUMENTS = 500 // Activity identifier


. . .

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        val onboardingCommandResult: OnboardingCommandResult = data!!.getParcelableExtra("onboardingCommandResult")
        when(onboardingCommandResult) {
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
                Log.i(ONBOARDINGCOMMANDS,"Error: " + result.response)
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Cancel -> {
                Log.i(ONBOARDINGCOMMANDS,"User has canceled the command")

Not available yet

Get user status

It returns the Alice Onboarding User Status

onboardingCommands.getUserStatus { result in
    switch result {
        case .success(let onboardingResponse):
            print("UserStatus:\n \(onboardingResponse.content ?? "")"
        case .failure(let error):
            print("Error getting user status (\(error))")
        case .cancel:
            print("User has cancelled the command")
onboardingCommands.getUserStatus { result ->
    when (result) {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
        is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure  -> {
onboardingCommands.commandGetDocumentsSupported( (result) => { //onSuccess
   } , (error) => {   //onError


It authenticates (by face verification) an already enrolled and authorized user.

Presents a Alice Onboarding Authenticate Capture View, sending a video directly to Alice Onboarding platform as long as the user is authorized to do so.


Please make sure that the user is already enrolled and authorized.

onboardingCommands.authenticate { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let onboardingResponse):
        let authenticationId = onboardingResponse.content ?? ""
        let message =
        Authenticate on Alice Onboarding.
        Your backend have the response of your authentication
        (use authenticationId: (authenticationId))
    case .failure(let error):
        print("Error authenticating ((error))")
    case .cancel:
        print("User has cancelled the command")
onboardingCommands.authenticate(requestCode = REQUEST_CODE_AUTHENTICATE)

. . .

override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
    if (requestCode == REQUEST_CODE_AUTHENTICATE) {
        when(val result: OnboardingCommandResult = data!!.getParcelableExtra("onboardingCommandResult")){
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Success -> {
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Failure -> {
            is OnboardingCommandResult.Cancel  -> {
                showDialog("User has canceled the command")
onboardingCommands.commandAuthenticate( (result) => {   //onSuccess
    } , (error) => {   //onError
    },  (cancel) => {  //onCancel


Take a look to a more detailed documentation and examples: iOS, Android and React-native.