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Mobile SDK PoC

In order to make a fast PoC check the following points.

1. Installation and initial Setup

Add the SDK dependency to your project, and setup your IDLE as follows

Our config

minSdkVersion = 21
targetSdkVersion = 30
compileSdkVersion = 30
gradleVersion = 4.1.2
kotlinVersion = 1.6.21

Add the following code to your maven for import the AliceOnboarding library.

repositories {
    maven { url "" }
    maven { url "" }

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.alicebiometrics.onboarding:AliceOnboarding:+'

Add the following code yo your podfile.

pod 'AliceOnboarding'
Install it with

pod repo update
pod install

Import your library

import AliceOnboarding

2. Permissions

Alice Onboarding needs guaranteed camera permissions in order to function properly.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />

Camera Permission is mandatory

Please check the Apple Documentation

3. Authentication

For trial purposes you will be able to test AliceOnboarding with the trial token available in your Credential's section of the Dashboard The TrialAuthenticator service will use the input email as unique identifyer.

An email parameter in UserInfo is required to associate it to an Alice Onboarding user_id

val trialToken = "<ADD-YOUR-TRIAL-TOKEN-HERE>"
val userInfo = UserInfo(email = email, // required
                        firstName = firstName, // optional
                        lastName = lastName)  // optional

//Initialize your SDK to use the Sandbox Environment

//This class is only available/needed in Sandbox Environment.
//In the production environment you must implement the Authentication based on Tokens.
val authenticator = TrialAuthenticator(trialToken = trialToken, userInfo = userInfo)

authenticator.execute { response ->
    when (response) {
        is Response.Success -> {
        // Configure Alice Onboarding with the OnboardingConfig
        // Then Run the Alice Onboarding Flow
        // The userToken is contained on the response.message
        is Response.Failure -> {
        // Inform the user about Authentication Errors
let trialToken = "<ADD-YOUR-TRIAL-TOKEN-HERE>"
let userInfo = UserInfo(email: email, // required
                    firstName: firstName, // optional
                    lastName: lastName)  // optional

//Initialize your SDK to use the Sandbox Environment

//This class is only available/needed in Sandbox Environment.
//In the production environment you must implement the Authentication based on Tokens.
let authenticator = TrialAuthenticator(trialToken: trialToken, userInfo: userInfo)

authenticator.execute { result in
    switch result {
    case .success(let userToken):
        // Configure Alice Onboarding with the OnboardingConfig
        // Then Run the Alice Onboarding Flow
    case .failure(let error):
        // Inform the user about Authentication Errors

4. Config your Alice Onboarding

You can configure the Onboarding for requesting different types of documents, selfies, etc...

Following you can find a snippet with an example.

val userToken = "<ADD-YOUR-USER-TOKEN-HERE>"

val config = OnboardingConfig.builder()
    .withAddDocumentStage(type = DocumentType.IDCARD, issuingCountry = "ESP")
    .withAddDocumentStage(type = DocumentType.DRIVERLICENSE, issuingCountry = "ESP")
    .withAddOtherTrustedDocumentStage(title = "Proof of address")
    config = try! config.withAddSelfieStage()
    config = try! config.withAddDocumentStage(
        ofType: .idcard,
        issuingCountry: "ESP",
        documentStageConfig: documentStageConfig
    config = try! config.withAddDocumentStage(
        ofType: .driverlicense,
        issuingCountry: "ESP",
        documentStageConfig: documentStageConfig

5. Run Alice Onboarding

Once you configured the Alice Onboarding Flow, you can run the process as follows

// this = Activity context
val onboarding = Onboarding(this, config = config)


override fun onActivityResult(requestCode: Int, resultCode: Int, data: Intent?) {
    super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data)
        if (requestCode == ONBOARDING_REQUEST_CODE) {
            if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_OK) {
                val userInfo = data!!.getStringExtra("userStatus")
        } else if (resultCode == Activity.RESULT_CANCELED) {

// self = ViewController context
let onboarding = Onboarding(self, config: config) { result in
    switch result {
    case let .success(userStatus):
        print("userStatus: \(String(describing: userStatus))")
    case let .failure(error):
        print("failure: \(error.localizedDescription)")
    case .cancel:
        print("User has cancelled the onboarding")
    case .dismissButton:
        print("Dismiss pressed")
    @unknown default:
        print("Uncontrolled exception")