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A report collects all the information extracted for a user during the onboarding process. It is accessible through the following endpoint.

curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <BACKEND_TOKEN_WITH_USER_ID>' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data'
    from alice import Config, Onboarding

    config = Config(api_key=api_key)
    onboarding = Onboarding.from_config(config)
    report = onboarding.create_report(
      user_id=user_id, verbose=True


Here is an example of a report for an onboarding consisting in selfie, Spanish ID and passport.

Selfie ID ESP Passport
selfie id_frontid_front passport


Please bear in mind that the selfie is not from a real person. That is why the face_liveness score is low.


A user's report is given as a JSON. The following sub-sections detail the corresponding JSON schemas to help a better understanding of the report.

A report collects all the information extracted for a user during the onboarding process

Type Object Properties
id Unique report identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
maxLength 36
minLength 36
user_id Unique user identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
maxLength 36
minLength 36
version Report version
type integer
const 1
created_at Report creation time in ISO 8601 format
type string
format date-time
summary User summary
format Summary report
selfies It collects all user selfies information
type array
format Selfie report
documents It collects all user documents information
type array
format Document report
other_trusted_documents It collects all user Other Trusted Documents information. An OTD includes files as invoices, payrolls, etc.
type array
items OTD report
events It collects all the events generated by the user
type array
format User Event report
duplicates It collects all duplicate users information
type array
format Duplicate users report

Summary report

It summarizes the main user information of the onboarding process

Type Object Properties
result Result Checks
face_liveness Analysis to detect if the user’s active selfie is from a real person. The recommended threshold is 50.
type number
maximum 100
minimum 0
face_matching It collects all user Other Trusted Document. An OTD is a PDF containing a proof of residence, a payroll, a proof of address…
type array
items Face Matching
checks Summary/User-level checks
type array
items Check
user_data Best read user-intrinsic info across all docs
type array
format Document Field
external_user_data External UserData
sessions Total number of session
sessions_until_first_succeeded_onboarding Number of sessions until the user completes Onboarding
devices It collects all user documents
type array
items Device
state User State

External user data

It collects the given data at user creation time

Type Object Properties
first_name external input data
type string
last_name external input data
type string
email external input data
type string

Result Report

Collect the summary of the process at a high level.

Type Object Properties
selfie_security It indicates if the selfie belongs to a real person and matches the identity shown in the documents
type string
document_security It indicates whether the documents have any fraudulent traits
type string
document_read It indicates if the documents could be successfully read
type string
process_security It indicates whether the process was carried out on a single device and a single sequential act in time
type string

User State

Current state of a specific user

Type Object Properties
value Indicates the state of the user (NOT_STARTED, INPROGRESS, TO_REVIEW, REJECTED, ACCEPTED)
type string

Selfie Report

A selfie report collects all the information extracted for a selfie during the onboarding process

Type Object Properties
checks Selfie-level checks
type array
items Check
created_at Selfie creation time in ISO 8601 format
type string
format date-time
id Unique selfie identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
maxLength 36
minLength 36
liveness Analysis to detect if the user’s active selfie is from a real person. The recommended threshold is 50.
type number
maximum 100
minimum 0
media Selfie media resources
type object
additionalProperties Href
number_of_faces Number of faces appearing in the selfie
type number
result Selfie Security checks result
type string
voided Whether the selfie has been voided or not
type boolean

Document report

A document report collects all the information extracted for a document during the onboarding process

Type Object Properties
checks Document-level checks
type array
items Check
created_at Document creation time in ISO 8601 format
type string
format date-time
id Unique selfie identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
maxLength 36
minLength 36
meta Document Report Meta
sides Selfie media resources
default front null
default back null
default internal null
allOf Document Sides Detail Report
summary_fields Best-read document info from all its sides
type array
items Document Field

Document report meta

It collects document metadata

Type Object Properties
completed True if all document sides are captured
type boolean
issuing_country Document issuing country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 format
type string
type Document Type
sides Whether the doc has been voided or not
type boolean

Document sides report detail

Type Object Properties
back Document Side Report
front Document Side Report
internal Document Side Report

Document side report

It collects document metadata

Type Object Properties
fields Document info extracted from side
type array
items Document Field
media Document Side Report
type object
additionalProperties Href
meta Document Side Report Meta
side Side

Document side report meta

It collects document side metadata

Type Object Properties
manual True if the capture was taken in manual mode
type boolean
template Document version used to extract the info
type string


An enumeration
enum front, back, internal

Document type

An enumeration
enum idcard, driverlicense, residencepermit, passport, healthinsurancecard

OTD Report

An OTD report collects all the information of a previously added OTD

Type Object Properties
created_at OTD creation time in ISO 8601 format
type string
format date-time
id Unique OTD identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
maxLength 36
minLength 36
media OTD Media
type object
pdf Href
meta OTD Report Meta

OTD Report Meta

It collects OTD metadata

Type Object Properties
category External identifier (e.g: Proof of residence)
type string
voided Whether the OTD has been voided or not


It collects events info

Type Object Properties
attributes Document-level checks
type object
device Device on which the event occurred
allOf Device
id Unique event identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
format uuid
occurred_on Document Report Meta
type string
format date-time
type Event type
type string
version Event version
type integer

Common structures

Face Matching

It analyses whether the document’s face and selfie are from the same person

Type Object Properties
meta Face Matching Meta
type object
score Face matching score. The recommended threshold is 50
type number
maximum 100
minimum 0

Face Matching Meta

Face matching metadata

Type Object Properties
created_at Face match creation time in ISO 8601 format
type string
format date-time
document_id Unique document identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
maxLength 36
minLength 36
selfie_id Unique selfie identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
maxLength 36
minLength 36
side Document side
allOf Side

Document Field

It collects the extracted OCR info

Type Object Properties
checks Face match creation time in ISO 8601 format
type string
items Check
name Unique document identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type string
score Unique selfie identifier (UUID v4 standard)
type integer
value Document side
type string


It examines if a certain condition is met

Type Object Properties
detail Brief check description
type string
key Unique check identifier
type string
value this is the value of the check
type number / null
maximum 100
minimum 0

See Checks


It collects info about a device

Type Object Properties
agent Alice SDK
type string
agent_version Alice SDK version
type string
type string
model Device Model
type string
type string
type string


It collects info about a media resource

Type Object Properties
extension Media extension
type string / null
default null
href HTML-like href link
type string
objects Identified regions
type string / null
default null
additionalProperties Bounding Box


A bounding box is the smallest rectangle with vertical and horizontal sides that completely surrounds an object

Type Object Properties
height Rectangle height
type integer
width Rectangle width
type integer
x Top left corner x coordinate
type integer
y Top left corner y coordinate
type integer